What do alcohol lovers say?

Some people say that alcoholic drinks should/must not be mixed with other of its kind. But is that completely true? Can we actually mix drinks? As much as i would like to say YES, the answer is actually NO! Each alcoholic drink contains enough alcohol to kill you if consumed too often and in large quantities. Imagine what would happen if that amount of alcohol doubles or triples?! Not only that it can kill your liver but it will also cause serious damages on your stomach and not to mention that you'll have to throw up whole night! I'm not sure if that's such a pleasant experience...

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What do alcohol lovers say?

I will just assume that you all knew that wine is good for preventing cardiovascular diseases?! In USA in 1990s, people consumed wine to try to prevent heart failure and in France because of the traditional French diet which contained high levels of saturated fat that could cause blood cloths and thickening of veins and arteries. Today, doctors and nutritionists recommend a glass of wine once per day because wine contains resveratol which creates protection for both heart muscle and all veins and arteries in the human body.
P.S: Just to mention that consumption of wine in high doses can cause liver failure because of the amount of alcohol it contains, so it's better to take one glass per day then a whole bottle per 1 hour.

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What do alcohol lovers say?

What do alcohol lovers say?

During further research after the post on which is told that the alcohol is actually good to be drunk by women in pregnancy, it is seen that it's not true. Drinking alcohol in pregnancy can cause many serious consequences. The damage that can affect the baby includes physical, behavior and learning problems of babies. Baby can also be at the high risk of mortality. The safest choice for mother is to stop drinking, because drinking any level of alcohol can be regarded as risk taking. Why risk and make baby's life found in the question?

What do alcohol lovers say?

I don't know if you knew, but pregnant ladies can and should drink beer during their pregnancy. Beer is rich with vitamin B which produces some nutrients for development of the baby. Sometimes, women who are generally of small size and thin are even recommended to drink beer - of course in some reasonable quantities to gain some weight not only for themselves but for the baby too.

What do alcohol lovers say?

Alcohol is defined in different ways. For example, in chemistry that is any organic compound in which a hydroxlic group or OH is bound to a carbon atom of any alkyl. Also, besides this definition, alcohol is used in many purposes starts from a medicine to appliance which people use for enjoying. Anyway, alcohol is most widely used drug in the world. Like nicotine or caffeine in coffee, alcohol can affect our body and mind, and it can change our life at all. It is addictive drug, what means that we can come to depend on it. But, alcohol is legal unlike addictive dugs such as heroine and cocaine. Alcohol is made from fruits, vegetables or grains by process which is called fermentation. Alcohol drinks come in a wide range of flavors. Some flavors come from fruit or grain. Beer gets its flavor from barely or hops, wine usually from grapes, and whiskey from malted grain. Substances which are called congeners may also be added to give color, flavor or smell.

What do alcohol lovers say?

Do you want to drink a beer?
You may choose between aluminium can and a bottle,
but you can't be wrong.
( If both of them are 0% alcoholic beers. :D )
So, why to drink alcohol
when there are non-alcoholic beers?


This blog is for all people who like or hate alcohol since the creators of the blog have divided attitudes towards alcohol. It is also very important to mention that this blog is for IBMYP Computer Technology purpose only.

About Alcohol lovers

Alcohol lovers that created this blog are students of IB Middle Years Programme in Druga gimnazija Sarajevo. We created this blog only because our Computer Technology teacher told us to do so. First alcohol lover is Dunja Krvavac who is a REAL A.L. Second alcohol lover is N.H. who in fact hates alcohol and was against this from the start. :) Third alcohol lover is Berina Sacak who actually never tasted alcohol but thinks it's cool. And last, but not least alcohol lover is Teuta Bicaj who doesn't care.
What do alcohol lovers like?

We like marijuana... partying, talking, music, shopping, drawing, painting, reading, and being totally and utterly lazy :)
What do alcohol lovers hate?

We hate heat, stairs, veto on short skirts and pants and sandals set by our school, Computer Technology (:D).
Alcohol lover #1 about alcohol

Wine tastes great. And black beer. And combination of Cola and rhum though it can be fatal (people tend to throw up) day after consumption is fantastic. Though votka and juice are quite tasty too. And there is this one drink 'orahovaca' that is almost like caramel but even better. And breezer is nice though it has really small percentage of alcohol. Who would say I don't like alcohol after this text? xD
Alcohol lover #2 about alcohol

When it's up to me, don't expect me to write about other combinations with alcohol. In fact, I hate alcohol. First of all, my religion forbids me to even think about it let alone to taste it. And I respect it. I don't think there's a single thing that is good in it and that would make me taste it. I really do hate alcohol. THE END. Respect!
What is beer consisted of?

1. Water 2. Starch source 3. Hops 4. Yeast 5. Clarifying agent

• It is composed mostly of water; • Giving regional character depends mostly of water used because water minerals compound depend of the region it is placed in;
Starch source

• It provides fermentable material and is a key determinant of the strength and flavor of the beer; • malted grain is most commonly used starch source; • Different roasting times and temperatures are used to produce different colours of malt from the same grain. Darker malts will produce darker beers*

• It is used as a flavoring and preservative agent in nearly all beer made today; • contribute a bitterness that balances the sweetness of the malt; • contribute floral, citrus, and herbal aromas and flavors to beer; • have an antibiotic effect that favors the activity of brewer's yeast over less desirable microorganisms, and hops aids in "head retention"; • acidity of hops is a preservative;

• yeast influences the character and flavor; • role in fermentation;
Clarifying agent

• precipitate (collect as a solid) out of the beer along with protein solids and are found only in trace amounts in the finished product; • precipitate (collect as a solid) out of the beer along with protein solids and are found only in trace amounts in the finished product;

Alcohol lovers